9 Natural Remedies to Alleviate Hayfever Symptoms

9 Natural Remedies to Alleviate Hayfever Symptoms

Dreading the sniffles, itchy eyes, and constant congestion that plagues you every spring? You're not alone. Hayfever, also known as allergic rhinitis, affects millions worldwide. It's an overreaction of your immune system to airborne allergens, most commonly pollen. When pollen enters your nose, your body releases histamine, a chemical that triggers a cascade of inflammatory responses – hello, runny nose and itchy eyes!

Several factors can aggravate hayfever. High pollen counts, windy days, and even spending time indoors with pets can worsen symptoms. Thankfully, there are natural approaches to find relief.

Here's the exciting part: many herbs boast properties that can help combat hayfever woes. Some act as natural antihistamines, calming the histamine response. Others have anti-inflammatory properties, reducing irritation and swelling. Let's delve into the world of natural remedies and discover how they can help you breathe easy this hayfever season!


Black Seed Oil: 

How Nettle Leaf tea works for hayfever relief

Black Seed Oil contains anti-inflammatory properties and reduces inflammation of the airways. This allows an immune response to help alleviate hay fever symptoms. 

How to use Black Seed Oil

Drop a teaspoon of black seed oil under your tongue, drink some water or juice, swish it around in your mouth and swallow together to avoid the taste.

Shop black seed oil today


Nettle Leaf:

How Nettle Leaf tea works for hayfever relief

Nettle Leaf contains compounds that block histamine receptors, alleviating symptoms such as sneezing and itching.

How to make nettle leaf tea

To prepare nettle leaf tea, bring 10 ounces of water to a boil over a hot stove, then pour a tablespoon of fresh nettle – or a teaspoon of dried nettle – into the water. Allow the nettle to steep for 5-10 minutes, strain, and serve.


Eucalyptus Oil:

How Eucalyptus Oil works for hayfever relief

Eucalyptus Oil ease congestion and improve your breathing pattern to provide relief from hayfever symptoms.

How to use eucalyptus oil

Diffusing eucalyptus essential oil into the air, so you breathe it in naturally, or try inhaling it directly from the bottle



How Pure local honey works for hayfever relief

Consuming natural honey exposes your body to small amounts of local pollen, helping the body build immunity to allergens over time. BeeHype Honey we came across during a trade show and they provide award winning raw, natural honey including bee pollen. Check them out here and tell them we sent you! - You can also get 10% off with code: MagicTree

How to use honey

A teaspoon of honey per day is enough to desensitise you to the pollen


Moringa Seeds

How Moringa seeds works for hayfever relief

Moringa is known as the tree of life and it is hailed as a natural hayfever remedy because it contains polyphenols, flavonoids, and antioxidants. It also includes omega-3. The specific antioxidants found in Moringa include quercetin and kaempferol which help reduce inflammation and enhance lung function and reduce inflammation in the sinus.

How to consume moringa seeds

Pop the shell and chew 2 seeds of moringa seeds per day. If you do not like the taste, you can also swallow them whole with water.

Get moringa seeds today


Full Spectrum Seamoss

How Seamoss works for hayfever relief

Full spectrum seamoss contains 92 minerals and in sea moss may help create a barrier that shields the mucous membranes from allergens, reducing their impact and providing much-needed comfort during allergy season. 

How to consume moringa seeds

Soak seamoss in water to rehydrate the seaweed, blend in water to make a seamoss gel. You can either add a spoonful of seamoss gel to a smoothie but the most effective way is to eat the seamoss directly.

Get Seamoss today


Mullein Leaf tea

How Mullein leaf works for hayfever relief

Mullein leaf is a gentle yet powerful herb, traditionally used by cultures across the world as a healing aid for respiratory conditions, including seasonal allergies and hay fever. Antioxidant phytochemicals found in Mullein have been thought to help support a reduction in the allergic potential of an individual experiencing the symptoms of hay fever and associated irritated, itchy eyes.

How to make mullein leaf tea

Pour 1 cup of water over 1–2 teaspoons of dried mullein leaves or flowers. Steep it for 10-15 minutes before drinking. You can drink the tea three or four times a day



This antioxidant is found in foods such as onions and apples and acts as a natural antihistamine, reducing allergic reactions and inflammation. Other foods with this antioxidant include olive oil, grapes and berries!


Nasal Saline Irrigation:

This drug-free method uses a saline solution to flush allergens and mucus from your nasal passages. It's safe, effective, and easy to use as a home natural remedy for clearing congestion and irritation. Add some Himalayan salt to bottled water.


So next time you look to head to your local drug store, try these natural remedies instead and take them daily! Be consistent and you will soon realise it has been a while since you last reached for the tissues!

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